Arch, 2005

Arch, 2005

Monday, June 14

Is it going to be different?

The first entry I wrote for this blog about The Lou was written a couple months ago in Madison, WI, believe or not. I have spent this past summer working in Madison for the wonderful company called Genworth Financial LTC. In one week I will return back to The Lou; back to Rosemary, back to Richard, Brother, Banana, Gunn Gunn, and back to everything thats "normal" in my life. This summer has been a real interesting one for me. I have missed home more than any time I can remeber. I have never been soo damn bored in my whole entire life. I did nothing up here, social or work wise. To me this summer has been a waste. Its actually really sad to look back on, now that I think about it. But this summer has taught me a lot actually. It has taught me that I don't want to be in the insurance business. It has taught me that no body is perfect by any means. And it has taught me that Wisconsin does in fact, not rule.

I'll be coming back to The Lou in one week, Thank the Lord. I have no idea what I am going to be doing when I get back home. School is always an option but again with me and my recent track record, why bother? There is always the work at the old jobs but who really wants to make a career out of that at 24. When I think about working full time at one of those places with all the other full timers who are my age, who smoke 3 packs a day and each have a kid, it makes me sick. But hey thats just me....anyway a person makes a living is ok in my book. But for the first time in my life I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get back home, no hidden plans, no false promises; no clue and this excites me. For the first time I am actually just going to take everyday in stride. No plans, No agenda. NOTHING!

When I started this blog I was in Madison wanting to write about Saint Lou and in one more week I'll be back, actually getting to write about the city that I love. Maybe this blog will be my way of getting out from the bottom of well?! Probably not, but I'll be writing about Saint Lou soon while I'm in Saint Lou...and I can't fucking wait.

(Actually written August 7th, 2010)

"And That's a Winner..."

Tuesday, June 8

Still Love It...

-I never thought of myself as a "blog person" but sitting in an office for ten hours daily sometimes takes its toll on a person. This one will most often be about the city that I was born and raised in; Saint Louis, MO. It will be about pretty much everything that is fun and dear to me in the city. Whatever I am thinking about St. Louis, I'll write. Here's the first one. You better like it!

-I will always have a weird relationship with this city. I love it with every ounce in my body but sometimes, I have wanted to burn it down and spit on the ashes....But alas The Lou will always be home to me and nothing will ever change that. Nothing.

What do I love about this city? Just read fool.

- Cardinal Baseball.
- the fact that where you went to high school is the most important thing about you.
- walking up to Cunetto's on the Hill every Friday after Thanksgiving, hungover.
- thats its sticky hot in the summer and freezing in the winter.
- Glendale.
- The upstairs bar at the Dubliner
- St. Joseph's Academy Class of 05 (They were all hot, seriously, all of them).
- Cardinal Baseball again
- Cooking in John's Kitchen w/ the Duvall boys and K
- Berry Bombs at Duffys in Town Country
- Winston
- Highway 40 W at 2:00 AM
- Paying 9.50 to see a movie with the lil sis.
- The smell of the Fox
- Christmas Eve mass at the Old Cathedral
- The Bridge
- The "Turtles"
- Back right booth at O'Connell's
- Did I mention Cardinal Baseball?
- Wings at OB Clarks
- Sam Bradford, yea...already
- Johnston, Richard, and Stan
- Talking to Rosemary on the patio about my future
- Mike Shannon's voice
- South City
- the fact that New Years Eve sucks here.
- Outside at McGurk's in the summer
- Truman, the concert girl.
- The summer before everyone left for college.
- The Smoke House BLT

And thats just to name a few...

"And That's a winner..."